Cold war Germany

Episode II
Episode 2- Interview with David Guerra, Veteran from the US Army Berlin Brigade.

Photo of Dave Guerra
On this episode, i talked with Dave Guerra, a Texas native, who served during the Cold War, with (3rd Platoon, A Company, 6th Battalion, 502nd Infantry Berlin Brigade)
We discussed his experience in Berlin, what life was like in a city, in the heart of East Germany. The many military exercises, that went along serving in the Berlin brigade.
Before we start this Episode, i would like to thank, everyone who has liked and supported the Cold War Outpost since its creation,
i also would like to give a thanks to Ralph Pickard the Author of Stasi Awards for the books, and Ron Willis for his generous donation to help the website.
To give a little history on the Berlin Brigade.
Would you like to be interviewed, for once of our podcasts? Feel free to message us